I really miss the time when I was in elementary school.
the time when I was a nerd, the time when I was still learning about life of adult, and the time when I feel how i could life without my parents by my side.
but even though my parents far away and never beside me when I needed them, I still have a lot of friends who want to walk beside me, crying when I'm sad, and laugh when my happily was coming.
the time when I was a nerd, the time when I was still learning about life of adult, and the time when I feel how i could life without my parents by my side.
but even though my parents far away and never beside me when I needed them, I still have a lot of friends who want to walk beside me, crying when I'm sad, and laugh when my happily was coming.
all of this is just memories now !
and then it could be used as a lesson for us to reach a maturity.
I remembered guys!
I remembered guys!
when we always talk about friends who are had a problems in our classroom
and played "bola bekel" during the break :D haha #lols
I really missed that time when we learn and study hard to faced UNAS seriously, and
I really missed that time when we learn and study hard to faced UNAS seriously, and
you know what ? I also want to repeat the time when we had tour in malang.
although we aren't to set off our tour to Bali, but in unfortunate we could feel, how the warmfull of our friendship amid the cold air in the city.
# tired of speaking english : kesel rek boso inggrisan teros :D
although we aren't to set off our tour to Bali, but in unfortunate we could feel, how the warmfull of our friendship amid the cold air in the city.
# tired of speaking english : kesel rek boso inggrisan teros :D
oiya kalian inget gak ? ini kenangan kenangan masa SD kita yang masih aku simpan dalam memori otak ku yang ber-giga giga bytes :D haha #cekidot
1. waktu kita pulang sekolah, dalam keadaan muka kumus kumus, dan rona wajah tidak berdaya, kita masih sempet meluangkan waktu buat nyangkruk di pipa pipa (deket pantimulya) :D --> saiki wes gak oleh nyangkruk kono maneh yo rek :D
2. makan bakso nya pak kadir, sama beli es dan beli chicki chicki an di warungnya bu wahyu (sekarang orangnya masih hidup gak ya ? haha --> ngawoorr ) :D
3. main bekel pas istirahat (biasanya se yang main itu aku, inanda, intan, ika, lolita, wulan, adel, amel )
4. nyanyi pas gurunya (pak kis, bu nga, bu ika, bu fat, bu wir satunya lagi bu sapa ya?) nggak ngisi kelas alias pergi rapat dinas jalasenastri ato apalah emboh gak ngerti --> jek cilik ra ngerti opo opo :D
5. les bahasa inggris dirumahnya bu lastri (ibuknya kentang gosong) sama les di rumahnya tante yun (di wonosari). haha, betapa berjuang mati mati an nya aku waktu itu. malem malem ngontel dari mess ampel - wonosari - pp gelap gelap sambil bawa senter. untung ada putri sama wahyu yang selalu nemenin aku ngontel malem malem sambil bawa senter dan menemaniku membeli sebungkus es susu sirup di warung pinggir jalan :D #unforgetable moment in ma mind :))
6. renang di pasiran
7. hal yang paling mbencekno tapi susah banget buat dilupain itu gosip antara aku sama e*o !
what the hell meeen ! aku nggak pernah suka rek sama yang namanya tertera diatas itu ! masak garagara dulu kita bintang kelas (wkwkwk nuarsis) kalian bisa jodoh jodoh in aku seenaknya sama dia ! allaaaaah -.- masak terakhir reunian, gosip itu masih belum lenyap dari muka ku :D hahahaha . sekarang gosip yang itu udah nggak jadi bahan lelucon atau bahan gosip yang klasik ! ternyata beda banget ya untuk jadi seorang anak sd sama seorang anak sma ! i miss this moment :))
8. makan pecel di bulek sri (itu orang nya masih ada gak ya?)
9. les malem di sekolah oleh pak kis (guru yang inspiratif buat seorang anak sd yang masih harus belajar keras untuk meraih cita-cita yang masih panjang untuk dicapai. seorang laki laki gagah dan selalu memberi kita motivasi dan dorongan untuk tetap maju dan menjadikan kita anak anak bangsa yang kreatif dan sukses dikemudian hari) --> wakeh.e
10. try out nang endi endi (berusaha menjadi pejuang cita cita yang sejati)
11. nggosipin anak
12. kelotek.an sambil nyanyi nyanyi nggak jelas ! (nggak usah melok paduan suara wes dadi vokalis gadungan rek :D )
13. tour di malang (pelampiasan tempat tujuan tour anak SD HANG TUAH 12 ketika pengajuan kegiatan tour ke bali DITOLAK !)
14. reuni , haha
masih banyak kenangan yang belum aku posting dalam blog ini gayss :D
haha mungkin yang tak post sama kenangan kita selama ini perbandingan 1 : 100 kali ya ?
all right !
I really miss you guys!
cause all of you could built my personality into a girl who has the future goals in the one day will be come.
too different with me, when I got in my junior high and my senior high school !
6 years with you might be more meaningful and created a privilege in my heart.
I hope our friendship would be endlessly guys !
amiin: D
cause all of you could built my personality into a girl who has the future goals in the one day will be come.
too different with me, when I got in my junior high and my senior high school !
6 years with you might be more meaningful and created a privilege in my heart.
I hope our friendship would be endlessly guys !
amiin: D
iloveyousomuch :D
Surabaya, 10 Februari 2011
Marsha Savira Agatha Putri
nice and awesome :D